A change of pace again today, for Dave Carollo, the Executive Director for Our Lady of Fatima is back with us and he’s very happy to be on the show today. Joining him is not only Tony, but also Barb Ernster who works for Dave with Our Lady of Fatima. Today, they are discussing not only what Our Lady of Fatima has and had been doing during the Covid-19 Pandemic, but also what is going on during these uncertain times and how much has changed in the last few months. These three also discuss how things are opening and reopening up, including the masses for churches and how it feels very nice that people are coming back, which are and have been considered essential to many. Another aspect Dave, Barb, and Tony share is to express hope that things will be good and get back to normal in terms of before Covid-19 and provide words of encouragement for all to get out and live our lives safely and with joy. For more information on Dave Carollo and Barb Ernster, visit online at: www.bluearmy.com